Our guest departed in Cherry Tree and the boat does seem quiet without her ... she's been great company and really "GOT" into the spirit of our live-aboard-adventure... although I have to say she wasn't 100% committed as the OVEN is still in need of a clean... oh well - maybe NEXT time 😁.
When she went, we pulled pins and departed - our plan being to move to Riley Green for a night as we caught up with laundry and then do a pump out/fill the water tank and head down Johnsons Hillocks for a couple of days. Despite what the cruise schedule says, the next guests asked if could change a Friday departure to a Sunday one - which has given us a few more days to kill than we'd like but it has meant we've gone down to Chorley for a wander around.
Whilst at service point at the top of Johnsons though, we DID spot a familiar boat .
You'd never believe it's a 5 year old boat!... but "I suppose she's a Bickerstaff" so it's to be expected lol
ACTUALLY, the owner came over as he follows me on Twitter and we had a chat. I'm always worried when someone comes and mentions that they either read this or Twitter - as you may know, I'm an opinionated git on occasions Sometimes I can be quite direct and people "think" I don't have a filter.... the scary thing is that WHAT I say and write quite often IS filtered!!!!
Anyway - it turned out I haven't offended him and we had a smashing chat.. . over a pump out lol.
We've a couple more days to catch up with chores - I'm going to have a go at making gluten free bread as our next guests are gluten free veggies ... lots of things with "cardboard" on the menu then lol.
I also need to do another service/engine and gearbox oils etc - I've also got the anti-freeze to change... although I have no idea how to dispose of the old stuff.... perhaps an elsan point? - I'll hang on to it a while and see what other boaters do I suppose.
Right - time to roll my sleeves up and get stuck in ... wish me luck!
Until next time....
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