Sunday 29 December 2019

New Cushion covers, Xmas is over, bilge alarms on the river and New Horizons...

Hey up.

I appear to have been away (from here) for too long again...  I've been really busy doing jobs that shouldn't take long...which invariably do.

Take removing the shower sealant and redoing it.  It'd been on my list for months... in fact, back as far as the START of the (now over) cruising season... Anyway... I finally got around to doing it the other week.  All I can say is "plllr"...

ANYWAY - it's done now and being black construction adhesive, will at least look better for longer - time will tell.  I had received a message recommending some "strips" to glue in but having already bought the sika flex, I carried down the planned route.

It'll do.

I also got around to fitting the little turn buttons to the front seats... not a major thing I'll grant you but they do hold the side panels in place nicely.   Just a bit of paint to touch up on the frame behind and they'll ALSO do.

MEANWHILE, back in side the boat, now I'd painted the crew quarters, including the side panels (they were looking grubby with shoe marks etc) I decided to redo the non-slip on the steps AND give them a fresh coat of paint too... along with extra non-slip granules too.

Getting the "tape" off was a bit of a bugger... the use of a hairdryer did ease it's removal.  Once done, I stepped back and admired the result... realizing I'd effectively trapped myself on board unless I exited via the front doors and balanced down the gunwales.  The rubberized granules adhere really well and usually can take another couple of coats before losing their "non-slippy-ness".

Talking (well writing) of the front doors, THEY too are in need of some TLC.  The silicone around the glass externally had failed and what with a combination of that AND guests not quite 'getting' the need for ventilation when sleeping (ergo condensation forming there) the inside has become quite stained. I don't think the staining would be sand-out-able so as soon as weather conditions permit, I'm going to sand them down, prime and paint them grey too.

BEFORE then however,  I wanted to test out some door stops I'd found on ebay...  they DO hold the doors open (loosely) but due to the length down to the floor, they are not really up to the job.  IF I put  wooden lattice sub-floor under the grass that might help and tbh, I might just do that anyway... we'll see.

Back in side  at 'the other end' again...I got a message from Denise the friend who I'd asked to re-cover the dinette cushions the other month, to say she'd finished them and if I would be around, she'd drop them back off.  I'd no idea she'd do them so quickly... when asking a favor you just assume folk will fit it in around their other things -  Anyway, she very kindly did them and I had them back on the boat before Xmas.  I have to admit, I'm REALLY pleased with them... the new fabric being a lot more robust than it's predecessor.  It was a pig to work with apparently but she's made a grand job of them.  Obviously I thanked her and not being cash rich, have offered to take her and her husband (and perhaps grandchild) on boat trip from Wakefield to Leeds in the new year.  I'll keep an eye on forecasts and river levels and plan around that to suit them.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Christmas itself was a difficult day.  I'd had a visit from 2 dear friends inviting me to come along and spend the period with them... it just didn't feel right to impose myself and expected misery on anyone else... aware my father was going to be alone (his choice too) I had a bit of a walk into town which was nice enough and exchanged a few messages with dad - both 'chocking' each other up I suppose...  he had intimated previously he might come down and visit in between xmas and new year but apparently he had things to do so would not be coming ... which is fair enough.  ANYWAY - Christmas day was complete and on Boxing day,  I decided to unplug the shore-line and make the trip to Leeds on the boat with my friend.

I had planned on a few days away as cabin fever had being setting in anyway, but the forecast for the weekend was not good so rather than chug for 6 hours in wind and rain, when boxing day looked "ok ish" we made a dash for it.

Having been tied up not moving for a few weeks, the alternator decided to play up the other day and not out put anything...  I think it didn't like being subjected to the charging currents from the combi inverter...  it had been sulking for a few days and then, magically when disconnected from shoreline with the inverter OFF, it began working again... MAJOR relief.

Whilst on the river, we spotted a boat marooned that must have broken loose in the last floods...

It'll take the next floods to dislodge it I suspect and then who knows it's fate... I hope something can be done to it before it ends up over Castleford weir further down stream.

NOT long after going passed this, we were thrown into a little panic... the bilge alarm began to buzz and on turning the bilge pump on manually, I was shocked to see a constant stream of water being evacuated from the engine bay.. the pump, rarely being able to pump anything out.  

THIS was not a thing you want in the middle of a river section with about an hour to go...  the alarm kept going off and the pump kept pumping constantly...  I seriously feared a weld on the swim had failed and we were sinking.    TO cut a long story short (and save you the dramatic hour we had) it turned out to be a sudden influx from a blocked drain in the rear locker that "cleared" and dumped a few weeks worth of water into the engine bilge in one go.  THIS didn't become apparent until the relatively safety of Lemmonroyd lock!

BEFORE then, I'd worked out a contingency of running the bilge pump constantly AND rigging up the mains powered "hippo" back up pump until we could get to Granary Wharf in Leeds, WHERE , we'd lower the level to sit on the bottom and make emergency calls... my theory being that any boaters in there, when faced with the knowledge that another boater was "sinking" would tolerate being stuck in an empty pound whilst a solution was found.

I'm sure you can imagine the relief when the alarm stopped, and the water being pumped out slowed to a trickle!

So then,  here we are in Leeds... and when I say we, I'm referring to David and I... David being a chap I've been dating for a short while - privately.    It's been a difficult year as I'm sure anyone who's followed this dribble throughout will agree.  

I started the year with my mother dying suddenly and then roughly halfway through, divorce proceedings commencing...  the latter being perfectly amicable with Andy going off and doing his own thing... sometimes a little too publicly (think Facebook postings) for my liking but I know, no malice has been intended.... life moves on and situations present themselves.  

To be frank, I didn't really think there'd be much chance of me meeting anyone new in my life for a long while... especially with my nomadic lifestyle.    Well it turns out I was wrong.  It's early days but for the first time in a long while, I'm able to look forward.  I don't know how things will progress romantically (I'm quietly optimistic)  but  "business wise" bookings are already looking good for the year ahead AND I've got a couple lined up for 2021  (despite not yet having completed my route plan)...  life is good... people are good and so long as you (and by you I REALLY mean me) continue to look at life through good eyes, with positivity and kindness, the world will occasionally smile back on you.

Happy New year - let's hope 2020 is good for all of us.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Seats complete and "That London Look"...

Since my last missive, I've been busy working through my imaginary list (I'm not good at actually WRITING lists any more) of maintenance/improvement jobs... and the odd 'spill' a side, things are progressing nicely.

Luckily, nothing I'm doing actually involves spending more than a couple of quid - which is a good job as what with the solicitors bills, winter mooring costs and no money due in yet from next years bookings, I'm skint as a skint person.   I'm rich in other ways...  time... compassion... empathy... general 'fabulous ginger person-ness' and NOT forgetting modesty lol.😇

I'm still feeling rather miserable about this 'Christmas thing' - and still emotional at times but I'm taking that as a positive thing... the solution to lonliness being quite simple.   Every day, in between jobs when the sun is at it's brightest, I'm forcing myself to walk into town (it's about an 8 mile round trip from here) to buy a loaf of bread or some eggs... or even just look in the "yellow label section" in Sainsburys * other supermarkets are available and usually cheaper*...

This walk, takes me past a line of boats - and the beauty of this is that there are usually a few boaty people pottering around... ergo, an opportunity to pass the time of day with a chat.  I never realised how much I needed to be around people.  During boating season (which some would argue is all year round)... when I've got guests on board (and even in between guests) you get to meet and natter with all sorts of folk.    In the middle of winter, when tied up at a marina, it's easy NOT to see anyone... and I've concluded THAT is not good for me... I'm (rather bizarrely) a people person and need to interact.  So that's that then... STOP feeling sorry for myself about being on my own and become the weirdo who chats with everyone/anyone .... (not a big stretch for me some would say)...

Loneliness a side,  this is STILL a wonderful life... you just have to attack it  from a different perspective some times to remind yourself of how lucky I am...  incidentally, I love that old film... "Every time a bell rings an Angel gets it's wings"...

Sorry - tangenting again I know...

ANYWAY - I've finished all the new rear seats and back rests... I'm not sure now that I've done them in Burgandy whether I like it or not... once we get a few warmer days and I can slap some new paint around the back of the boat, I'm sure however they'll look better. Whatever the initial feelings are on them, I'm sure as I've gone passed them a few times, they'll stop offending me.

The seats are NOT as padded as the orginal ones were... and whilst not as comfortable, they ARE more stable  - leaping on and off the roof at times could be a bit of a gamble lol.

The crew-quarters dinette has looked like the middle isle in Aldi for a while now...

You might recall I had planned on replacing the porthole shutters I made a few years ago with new ones...  tbh, whilst they are only mdf with a birch veneer,  by the time I'd bought new disks, veneer and edging stips that would have been 100 quid plus I don't have spare atm.  HENCE the plan to give the existing ones a bit of a sand down and then paint them with left over exterior gloss paint... During the undercoat stage I wasn't sure (it was dark undercoat I'll grant you) but once I got into top coat, have decided they'll do until funds allow.

Of course TAKING them off the walls, it had become more apparent just how much yellowing had taken place over the last 3 years. TIME to experiment with a tin of Satin Wood...

I was a little hesitant but once I got 5 coats on, have convinced myself that "The London Look" is actually quite alright.  I'm going to resist the urge to paint bulk heads and just keep my painting to port and starboard.

I've not made the best paint job on the shutters (the odd run here and there on the edges) but they look clean and fresh AND will be easy to keep clean from now on.

As I type this, I've also got the saloon (that's lounge to you non-boaty folks) ones off and mid-paint...  I'm undecided yet as to whether to paint the walls in there too.  Sometimes, it's best to sit and think a while - failing that, I'll ask visitors opinions lol.

Meanwhile, OUTSIDE the new bow seats are now fixed into position (I might have told you this - I forget) and all they now need are the 'turn buttons' to stop the sides falling off ... They've arrived from Ebay and just need picking up from home.

I had planned to paint them with non-slip paint but given the whole point of phonelic board is that its supposed  to already be non-slip, have decided just to apply a strip of hazard tape on each edge to act as a 'brake' in case you do slip on the board itself... it'll make it less likely to flake I think.

Back inside again for a minute,  I've dug out the old silicone around the portholes (it was looking a bit sorry for itself) and rather than redo with the same, have opted for grey sika flex (construction adhesive)... it's much better having thunk about it, decided grey was the same colour as dust so they should look cleaner for longer lol.

Having lived with this for a couple of days now, I've also removed the (now mucky and failed) silicone from the floor edges and replaced it with grey too... it looks fine (although I don't appear to have taken a photo of that so you'll have to take my word on it.

NEXT job on the list is going to be removing the shower sealant and replacing THAT - THIS time rather than using white silicone, I'm going to opt for sika flex (again) but in black... ergo, it won't show up as mucky and therefore "look" cleaner for longer...  Kim and Agi have nothing on me!

Until next time...

Saturday 7 December 2019

Emotional times, a Bleed Screw and lumps of wood laying around...

I know.

My "post titles" get more obscure...  I blame Brexit!

I've never liked this time of year...  the approach to Christmas - MORE so this year as I'm feeling very emotional at the moment.  Actually, SCRATCH that,  as a child I LOVED this time of year but as an Adult... well, it used to be frustrating ... folk madly dashing around spending money they don't have spare on things they (or their family/friends) DONT really need...

THIS year, just being in the town or shops wandering around hearing the Christmas music playing and seeing people scurrying around it's making me quite tearful.  It's the first Christmas 'mum-less'...  now don't get me wrong...  since being a grown up my folks have never enforced the common recreation attempt of a 'perfect family Xmas' - in fact, quite the opposite... Mum and Dad have always been quite self sufficient... just being there for each other.

Of course, that all changed when mum died.  I have to keep writing that btw to remind myself she is gone.  It's so very hard changing her from the present  to past tense too.  I'm having a similar trouble in regards my soon to be ended civil partnership.... changing from "we" to "I" is very difficult.

Even though, we'd never gone in for big presents, at this time of year - like most people, I always used to be wandering around with one eye looking out for some token gift that mum would like.   It hurts not doing it which has caught me off guard.

Dad is insisting "it's just another day" and after his lonely adjustment to life without mum, is adamant he's going to ignore Christmas totally... declining various family invites.

It'll be horrible for him.    I know this... you see, as an adult, I've spent 3 Christmas's "alone" - all of which have been thoroughly miserable... it's just what happens...  bearing in mind he comes from a large catholic family and went straight into married life with Mum for 52 years - it's going to be his first one alone.

I 'GET' that he feels he has to do it...  and in a similar vain, after 14 years with Andy, I'm doing the same thing on the boat alone - I suspect Dad (like me) is figuring he's going to be bereft and would rather not have an audience for it... a bit like my brain is bracing me for too I suppose.... my logical brain KNOWS its just another day... but my emotional brain is going to be screaming at me that I'm mum less and mid divorce - hells, bells it's already been laying the foundations ...

Anyway - I just thought I'd write that down in the hope it clears the fog a bit and lets me think about other things...

SUCH as, boaty chores.

THAT said, I  came down with a cold (commonly known as 'man-flu') which has knocked me sideways... I suspect because I've been running on adrenaline for months, now I'm able to be under the weather, my body has ceased the opportunity.  Oh well... a few dozen lemsips and bottle of sleepy night nurse should get me over the worst of it.

I've  assembled the first rear seat and back rest -using the old shelving donated by the tenant... it may look ugly now but once it's covered with purple leatherette... well it may still look ugly but will at least make it a little more comfortable to sit out the back of the boat lol.

I've finished the bow seats now and fixed them in to place....   all I'm waiting for are the turn-buttons to arrive from Ebay and I can 'tick' that job off.

The weather isn't being particularly

helpful in the painting department though...  one minute it's minus 3 - the next its raining ... neither being ideal.

Still, it has given a few nice photo opportunities... the sunrises from my temporary winter mooring being quite beautiful .

oh - btw... the fuel filter housing arrived this week... I've removed and installed the bleed screw (onto the existing assembly and that's cured the little diesel drip...the water drain bung on the new one has now been replaced by a plastic thingy which is a little easier to handle than the current Torx one in situ.

Until next time....

Saturday 30 November 2019

Generic Fuel Filters, Ridiculous "Parts" and winter jobs...

Having done the last service of this year, I thought I had better order some more filters ready for next year - it's not always easy to get hold of them when they are needed floating around the network as not all boatyards/chandlers stock them.

Earlier in the year, I had the good fortune whilst at Aston Marina (Stone) to pick up a fuel filter for circa £12.  This being half the price of the one the boat came with.  THIS filter had been in use for 400 hours and on taking it off, everything seemed fine - the PREfilter, also being clean... I suspect I'm changing them too often but I'd rather do that than wait until the engine has a problem with diesel bug or whatever... knowing my luck, that would only present itself heading down stream on a river with a weir looming.

Anyway the point of this waffle is having 'googled' the filter, I managed to find this website that sells them and they work out at less than half the price of the "proper ones".

Suffice to say, I bought 4 so are set up for next year now.

They also sent me a free can of copper grease with a note on saying they're having a clear out of stock and thought it might be useful .  I like that kind of thing.

The weather has been pretty much wet and horrible of late so doing painty chores has been rather difficult - During the odd dry spell, I've nipped out side, slapped on a bit of paint and then brought it in to dry ... which is difficult in small space.  It does take rather a long time to get 3 coats of gloss on 2 side of something... and extra coats on the edges (previously epoxy resinned) 

The weather has prevented me from fitting the new bow seats which is frustrating as they are also in the way.  

Some good news is my friend has taken away all the cushions from the dinette (crew quarters) and is going to begin recovering them with the fabric I bought a few weeks ago - this means there's a bit more room in there now AND has made it easier for me to begin some painting... I've decided to experiment with white and grey  - the wood having begun to yellow a bit which isn't to my taste. White above the gunwales and grey on the side of the seating...  if it looks awful - well, it'll be too late lol.

BACK in the engine bay for a minute, following on from the recent service, I noticed a little drip from the bleed screw - those of you who have here since 2016 may remember I face planted into the engine hole and snapped it off when the boat was new had an accident and broke it off ... since then, using a little m5 aluminium bolt with a leather washer to replace it.  It's annoyed me every time I've had to bleed it when fitting a new filter as getting it tight enough not to let fuel through but without snapping it off, has seemed like a magical art.... Ergo, I've decided to replace it.  I spoke to the mariniser (Engines Plus) and in order to get the bit I need - THIS
 I have to buy the whole filter assembly... which has worked out at just under £50 !!! - although it does come complete with a filter.  It's a waste of money I know  lot of money for a bleeding, bleed screw, BUT at least it will make servicing a little bit easier AND I'll have a new filter housing in stock as a spare part for the future... Hmmf!!!

BACK at the bungalow, the ground has been way too wet to make a start on the rear garden but I did have a bit of luck with an old shelving unit the tenant had in the garage ready  to go to the tip... 

I've taken it apart and it's going to be used to make the new rear seats - having thrown the old padded ones out a few months ago ... them being sodden due to holes in the leatherette.

Luckily, I do not have any photos of me strapping bits of wood to my back to cycle through town with to get them back to the boat... suffice to say, it was a bit Laurel and Hardy!!!

Until next time...

Thursday 21 November 2019

Making new bow seats, the 3200 hour engine service and a trip to Salford Quays (sans boat)

I've got rubbish at updating again haven't I ? - I've just been busy... being busy.

Having had use of a car for a fortnight, I've been out and about doing chores that are easier with transport - namely buying coal diesel and "heavy" shopping items (laundry liquid, soft drinks and the like)...  I've forgotten HOW to park a car it seems. I can fit a 57 foot long boat into a space 57 foot and 1 inch long but parking a Peugeot 107 in a space with 2 foot spare front and back seems quite a struggle these days.  I DON'T miss driving at all... I DO miss the convenience but not the chore itself.

Anyway - ONE good thing about being mobile (road wise) again was being able to have a trip over to Salford Quays.  I'm planning the 2021 routes now for and I was thinking about taking a trip to Salford Quays... with that in mind, I went on a scoping exercise

(in the car)...

I can't work out where there is to moor though - It's probably best if I speak with other boaters who've been there.

Still, it was a pleasant day out - nice views and even a (free) visit to the Imperial War Museum.. which I have to admit was a bit disturbing... although it did fill a few gaps in my education I suppose.

On return, it was time to do the 3200 hour service  - which included both diesel filters this time... I still  HATE changing the gear box oil but it has to be done - WHY they don't fit a lift pump like on the engine sump is beyond me!

Anyway - it's done now and that will take me through until Mid March when I set off on next seasons cruising... I'm pleased to have clean oil and filters throughout for the winter... I may have a few short trips here and there but nothing more than a couple of days.

I must say, being on Shoreline is SO nice... to use the immersion heater to top up the hot water tank AND being able to set the websato to come on early morning so I don't have to worry whether the fire has stayed in over night or not...  it's a bit of a luxury but after the year I've had, I feel I deserve a bit of R & R.

First on my imaginary list of jobs was replacing the seats in the bow - They've done ok but were long over due replacement if I'm honest...

Despite their rotten appearance, they were a bit of a bugger to take apart...

I used the old ones as templates and cut new ones out of the phonelic board back at the  workshop summerhouse.

THIS time however, rather than putting all my faith in a bit of gloss paint for the edges, I've bought some epoxy resin to seal the edges...  3 coats of this on all the edges, should ensure they don't warp.

I've also cut some mdf to fit the vertical sections and done the same thing with the resin to seal the edges... Gloss paint will then go on top as a belt and braces job. 

The down side being at the moment it's quite cold out so things have to be brought inside to Cure/dry.

WHICH is a bit of a pain.

Still, it's only temporary.

In non boaty news, I've also made a start on tidying up the garden back at the bungalow - I've got the best tenant in the world but she's not very enthusiastic about gardening... suffice to say, the garden has gotten a bit wild over the last couple of years... AS I'm time rich (but VERY cash poor ) for the winter, I've offered to spend a few weeks sorting it out...  I started with the drive this week which (along with the front borders ) has filled 3 garden refuse sacks... it's a bit of a pain the garden bins don't get emptied over the winter but Terry next door has offered to take me to the tip a few times as and when required...  I'm very lucky to have good neighbors. 

I'm going to have to work my way up to the "back garden"... which is practically jungle now lol.. THAT however, will have to wait until my back calms down a bit... a week of stooping has done it no good whatsoever - it's not even "re-setting" over night at the moment...  hmmf.

I HAD been walking back and forth the 4.3 miles (each way) from the boat to the house... however, today I've sorted out a puncture on my bike (given to me by a friend the other year) so now at least it's a quicker (if slightly more dangerous journey) to and fro.

RATHER than going the short route through town, I may begin using the canal and riverside route if I'm pedaling at peak hours...  although it's a lot muddier route and has potential for MORE punctures... perhaps I just need to be a bit braver and maybe sneak on pavements like the rest of the pesky cyclists  seem to some bikers do.

Until next time...

Sunday 10 November 2019

Leeds back to Stanley Ferry, a bath and a cuddle from friends...

Ignoring that last "photo" posting,   Having ended the guest cruising season and then getting blocked in Leeds by the River Aire doing her thing, I decided it was as good a time as any to collapse in a heap take advantage of some emotional and practical support that has been frequently offered by friends.

You see, the thing about being a 'Ginger Super Hero'  (me), is that I'm not very good at  accepting I'm just as frail emotionally and have physical limitations (despite what my stupid self sufficient brain tries to tell me) as everyone else is  accepting help when it's offered...   Since I've been doing this on my own - I've been very fortunate to have the support of good, kind and high value friends... by value I don't mean wealth in the fiscal side of things, I mean truly valuable people...folk with morality, virtue, big open hearts and also the ability to see through my attempt at a brave face sometimes.

 Month after month I'd been declining assistance... with my usual, "thanks but I'm quite capable of doing everything on my own" response - which, having now proven was the case (for the most part), I decided now to accept the offer of a soak in a bath (with a large G & T), supper prepared for me and a much needed emotional cuddle....  It did feel odd being away from the boat for so long (and by that I mean longer than the usual trip to the shops/wander around a new town) but it was lovely to have an evening of being looked after.

Feeling rejuvenated somewhat, I decided to begin my list of winter maintenance jobs... BY begin, I mean WRITING the list...

There are lots of things that I need to do but (being a bit of a forward planner) I thought I'd start with things I'm going to need help with first... my thinking being that if you are going to ask someone to help, you should give them as much notice as possible and not put any time pressures on them.  With that in mind, I sent my friend a message to see if she might be prepared to make a 2nd set of cushion covers for the dinette seating... you may remember, I had a brave (but rubbish) attempt myself a few years ago on the first set - which she unpicked, and then did "properly" ... at the time giving us a giggle when she'd asked "Why didn't you stop at one?" lol...  my attempt truly was rubbish....  Anyway - the fabric I'd bought at the time, whilst the colour was right, wasn't very hard wearing...  SO  this time, I've had a wander around Leeds Indoor Market and found some lovely "tougher" burgundy (I'm avoiding the use of the word purple) stuff that I hope will be just the ticket.  I've no idea WHAT it actually is, but it feels a bit like "bus-seat" stuff.  Fingers crossed it's not awful to work with.  I bought 2 metres more than I thought I needed  - to take into account 'ginger measuring variations' 😛
Before bed I took a quick walk to river lock only to find it still flashing red... un deterred, I set my alarm for silly oclock in the hope I'd be able to get on my way the next morning.

AS it happened, by 6.30am, the water level was just into the Amber so I decided to give it an hour to see whether it was going down or up and then set off downstream... worse case being, once I got to Knostrop I could always take cover again.

The sun came out and stopping briefly at the service point on the river (the pump out machine had been left on pause so I managed to empty the black water tank for free)  I began a lovely (if cold) trip down the river.

As is now often the case when I'm single handing, I put on a life-jacket...  clambering up and down slimy ladders and slippy lock landings feels a lot more dangerous when there is no one around to "help" in the event of a slip.  IT's a pain as the "big one" rubs on the back of my neck all day but I figured being unconscious in the water the RIGHT Way up with a bit of a blister is more use than being comfortable but dead!

By the time I'd gotten down through Knostrop, Fishponds, Woodlesford and on to Lemonroyd on my own, another boat appeared out of the the marina there and shared the big lock with me - it being very handy NOT having to climb up and down the ladder there.... although when exciting the lock (which had been on flashing amber when we went in) I noticed the water was BACK in the red again...  too late - SO , pressing on down stream, mindful the turn might be interesting at Castleford,  the journey seemed to fly by - helped by the flow of  the Aire.  

AS predicted, when I arrived at the meeting of the rivers  it did feel like a bit of a handbrake turn to get onto the Calder... followed by "Scooby Do" legs/propeller to make progress upstream.  NO matter, Ellis's engine is up to it and within about 30 mins, I found myself approaching Woodnook lock (my exit off the river)  - only to note the Calder was by now about 3 inches into the red.    

I'd not made bad timing though  and when I eventually tied up on the visitor moorings at Stanley Ferry, it had taken me just 5 hours and 15 mins... not bad for a solo journey...  the "record" thus far being 4 hours 30 with crew...

I must admit though, I was relieved to be "home"... 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

FOR the winter, I have 2 options mooring wise: IN the back corned of the Marina (so as not to block it off for the rest of the shorter boats) OR on the Diesel point (practically on the Stanley Ferry Aqueduct.  You see, they've stopped selling diesel now (although there isn't a sign up to that effect) ...  both have their merits / drawbacks .  My initial thinking is that I'll "try" the diesel point because it's on the mainline (so I can come and go easily on the boat if I do any short trips/2 night specials to Leeds Xmas Markets or whatever).

With this in mind, I spotted "the space they'd allocated for me" and figured I'd reverse  back and see how it felt.  Hmm - it turned out the "space" was 1 foot shorter than Ellis is long - and (not wanting to bugger around /brass off boats tied up there), I admitted defeat and came back to the visitor moorings to await the marina office opening on Tuesday.

I took a walk around to the back corner of the marina and here is the other space I could be in... 

It would be handier for coal,diesel, shopping etc but It would be a bugger to get inand out of... especially with a bit of wind (which Stanley Ferry always seems to have)..

ANYWAY - Next day, the moorings chap moved a boat out of the way and I'm now "fitted in" to someone elses space as it happenes... I'm "space sitting" whilst a boat currently out of the water is worked on... probably for 2 months - at which point I can either go into the corner or further to the right on the aqueduct. 
It's ok for now - getting on and off is bloody dangerous in the dark  a bit of a scramble, but I'm plugged into the shoreline (only a 10amp feed so I have to be careful not to use the toaster and kettle at the same time)  but I can use the immersion heater to get hot water without running the engine or webasto so I'm happy enough.

ONE down side though is the water pressure on the tap on the old toll house is a bit higher than I'm used to... ergo, some ginger idiot over filled the tank (again) which necessitated removal of the inspection hatch under the rear steps in order to mop out the cabin bilge from the tank vent.  

I'm SO pleased I fitted that cabin bilge alarm ...  I never got around to fitting the bilge pump to go with it, but tbh, as it's set so low, the pump wouldn't be able to get the water out anyway unless it was MUCH deeper... I'm happy to know a tiny bit is in there and deal with it there and then before waiting for it to get too deep.

NOTE TO SELF - keep an eye on the tank when filling to stop it happening for the (umpteenth) time again.

BACK on dry land, deliveries have begun in the form of new phenolic board to re-make the bow seats - the current "painted ply" not having survived too well.  I've got some epoxy resin coming too so i can seal the edges - MEANWHILE, I'm using the summer house as a work shop and will bring things to the boat when they are ready to be fitted rather than falling over them for the next few months.

Until next time...